How Its Made Pt3

Intro In Part 2 I showed you how I used a makefile to deploy to aws, taking advantage of S3 and CloudFront. I mentioned I’d like to add a little CI/CD Adding CI/CD Enter netlify. It took 15 minutes to get set up and it’s free. I’m not sure I need to add much more in this paragraph - their documentation is awesome. It’s one or two less things to think about and it means I can divert my efforts elsewhere.
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Testing code equivalence with Python's AST

Intro Going through the excellent videos from PyCascades I chanced upon Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel’s fantastic presentation The AST and Me. Abstract: Get under the hood and learn about Python’s beloved Abstract Syntax Tree. We’ll discuss the AST’s role in Python’s compilation process, how it affects Bytecode, and how you can use it’s optimizations to improve your code’s speed at runtime. Write better code! Rather than go in detail on the Abstract Syntax Tree, parse trees and bytecode in this post, I suggest you watch Emily’s talk to gain an understanding of those concepts.
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Rancher Hosts in an EC2 Private Subnet

Intro Just a quick post with an EC2 launch configuration for running a Rancher Host in an EC2 Private Subnet. Doing it this way will let you set up autoscaling groups etc. This also provides an alternative to using docker-machine across private IPs, this way we don’t have to set up any private SSH communication between the Rancher Server and the Host, which may (should?) exist in different networks.
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Fun With Pritunl Pt1

Intro pritunl is an “Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN and IPsec Server”. It’s a solution to allow you to VPN in to your network and to link multiple networks together. All well and good, but what could you actually use it for? My aim for this series of posts is to show you how I’m using pritunl to: VPN in to a “Transit VPC” in AWS Link that Transit VPC and a VPC in Google Cloud Use AWS services like RDS or S3 from Google Cloud - without going via the internet.
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How It's Made Pt2 or Hugo in S3 and CloudFront

Intro In Part 1 I built my architecture using Route53, S3 and CloudFront. This would suit pretty much any static site, but I chose to use Hugo. Why? I hadn’t used it before… Bringing it all together Go back and read the first part for how to get yourself a place where you can put static HTML in S3, and then serve it over a CDN with HTTPS through CloudFront - all without using the GUI!
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NFS for Rancher in Google Cloud Platform

Intro Recently, I deployed some Rancher hosts in Google Cloud Platform, taking advantage of some free credit. I’ve been spoiled by Rancher’s integration with Amazon Web Services EFS and EBS - making storage for containers very simple. GCP doesn’t yet have a similar integration so I had to find another way. File Servers on Google Compute Engine Google offer some possible solutions in their documentation. I chose to go with the Single Node File Server.
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How It's Made Pt1

Intro First thing first, we’re going to need some infrastructure to host the blog. I’ve decided to over-engineer this because I enjoy that sort of thing. I’m going to host it entirely in AWS, and as a static site (think Hugo, Jekyll, etc.) By the time your reading this - I’ll have made a decision on what to use, but this post was drafted while I was still deciding.
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